1. Dilarang repost fanart tanpa seizin artist, jika sudah mendapat izin harap cantumkan credit.
Contoh : credit panukurap
2. Jaga topik seputar Naruto dan Hinata. Jika membahas ship atau karakter lain boleh asal masih berhubungan dengan Naruhina.
3. Dilarang mengirim menfess yang memicu war atau mengandung SARA.
4. Dilarang spam menfess. Setiap orang berhak mengirim menfess 30 menit sekali.
5. Wajib mencantumkan Warning Spoiler jika tweet mengandung spoiler
6. Wajib mencantumkan Warning NSFW jika tweet mengandung unsur 18+(tidak hanya tentang hubungan seksual tapi juga menyangkut konten kekerasan, darah, gore)
7. Karena ini masih base manual harap bersabar jika menfess tidak segera dikirim
8. Wajib mematuhi peraturan dan guidelines yang ada. Jika melanggar akan kami beri peringatan dan jika melakukan pelanggaran berat maka akan kami blokir.
1. Do not repost fanart without the artist's permission, if you have received permission, please include credit. Example: credit nhartist999
2. Topics around Naruto and Hinata. Talking about ships or other characters is okay as long as they are still in touch with Naruhina
3. Not allowed to send menfess that triggers war or contains SARA 4. Do not spam. Everyone has the right to send menfess every 30 minutes.
5. Put Warning Spoiler if the tweet contains spoilers.
6. Put NSFW Warning if the tweet contains elements of 18+ (not only about sexual relations but also regarding violence, blood and other content)
7. Since this is still a manual base, please be patient if the menfess is not sent immediately
8. Obey the rules. If you violate, we will give a warning and if you commit a serious violation, we will block you.


1. 🍥☀️untuk mengirim menfess umum
Contoh : 🍥☀️omg, naruto sweet banget ya ke hinata (insert pict)
2. 🧡💜 untuk mengirim menfess promosi karya (au, fanart dsb) atau jualan
Contoh : 🧡💜aku buat au baru nih tentang naruhina (insert link au)
3. 🦊🐰untuk mencari mutual
Contoh : 🦊🐰guys ayo kita mutualan!
4. hime! untuk menfess berisi Hinata saja, dan naru! untuk Naruto saja.
1. 🍥☀️ For menfess in general
example: 🍥☀️ drop your favourite naruhina official art!
2. 🧡💜 To promote fanwork can be au, fanart, etc.
example: 🧡💜 hey guys i made prompt, drop your @ if you're interested (insert link)
3. 🦊🐰to find friends
example: hi im looking for friends who don't mind if i talk a lot, drop your carrd blabla.
4. hime! for talk only about Hinata and naru! for Naruto only.